Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cause I'm Spicy!

As my sister so loves to say, she thinks my blog needs more 'spice'. And to my sister 'spice' = more of her. So..... I decided to take a stroll down memory lane and include some awesome pictures of us over the years. I honestly have enough silly pictures of us to make a whole photo album of, and I keep the really embarrassing ones to myself. (You can thank me later Sam)

One of our many many trips to Kohl's. She thought this looked like something someone would wear at a Disco. And yes, I have the corresponding video to go with this. And it is awesome.

Meeting little baby Campbell for the first time!

This picture screams Sam to me on multiple levels
A) She is being silly
B) She has on Duke gear
C) She is showing off some sweet dance moves
4) I'm 99% sure that she has candy in her mouth

Getting ready for Sam's 8th grade dance

At the family reunion in Dillon, SC. In August. In a church with no A.C. 
It. Was. Hot. 

But on the plus side, we got to stop at South of the Border!

Love trying on Easter dresses, especially the same ones!

And, at Campbell's adoption, we had to take a few pictures with the Anderson fish

Everyone got in on the action!

You's kinda in the family!


  1. Man, I wish my brothers and I got along that well growing up. If I did a "photobook" like this, most of the pictures would have at least one kid with tears, blood, or bruises.

  2. Trust me, we don't take pictures when we aren't getting along. Pictures usually occur at happy family events or within the first 30 minutes of seeing each other. After that it is wrestling and punching.
