Friday, January 4, 2013

Long Hair No More

Every couple of years, I get bored with my hair, decide to grow it out, get super frustrated with how long my hair is, and cut it all off to donate it. Usually, I convince my college roomie to join this adventure with me, but this time, Kristi put her foot down (very rare for her) and I got my sister to grow her hair with me to donate.


Sam - before


My super long (annoying) hair


Both of us with way too much hair!


Sam about to take the plunge!


And after!

I love being able to grow out my hair and donate it, even if it takes a long time and is a little scary before our stylist makes that first cut! I'm sure this won't be our last time cutting off all our hair!

1 comment:

  1. There are is a hair strock for all of the folks shirt or long,
