Saturday, August 3, 2013

Little Visitor

So, as I mentioned the other day, Will has been doing some work out of town. Most of the time, I don't mind it, but there are some times I really do. Like when there is a FROG IN MY BEDROOM!!!


Let me back up. I was getting out of the shower, and I was on the phone with Will for a minute. I sat down on the bed, and hung up the phone. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw some movement. And it was a FROG. A FROG. IN. MY. BEDROOM!

I have no idea how it got there. I immediately called Will and my dad to trying to figure out how to get out of my house. Will suggested picking it up. No. That wasn't happening. 


So, ultimately, I got dressed, then added an additional layer of more pants and thick shoes just in case it hopped on me. And then, I swept it out of my house. I wouldn't have thought I would have been afraid of a frog. But it's gross little legs trying to jump up on my baseboards were super nasty. Eww. 

Hopefully, we won't have any more visitors for a while, or if they do have to come back, they can wait for a time when Will is home and has to deal with them. 

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