Wednesday, January 18, 2012

HTI Pedometer Challenge

So, in an effort to get a little healthier as a company, HTI (the awesome company I work for) decided to do a little challenge. We were all given pedometers and for the next month we are tracking our steps and recording them. Prizes from gift cards to lunch are being given out, and I am gunning for a prize.

There is just one catch. I have a desk job! And I am competing with people that work out on manufacturing floors or warehouses and walk all day.

A great goal is 10,000 steps a day, and after the first day, I knew I needed to pick it up. So, I am trying to get up early and go for a run or walk in the morning. I know that this will help with training for a few races that I have picked out (update on those goals later!). It's been nice getting up a little earlier to see Will in the morning and having some extra time built into the morning too.

I hoping the contest keeps me a little more active than I would have been anyways. That's the whole point! Now, off to try to stop rewarding myself with M&M's for hitting 10,000 steps :)

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